
What is the way of Jesus? Luke challenges his readers to walk in the way of a history-changing, community-forming, joy-filled Jesus who seeks the lost and excluded, ushering them into a new life of hope and purpose. In this series, we will seek to more fully know Jesus through the writing of Luke.
  1. Luke 4:1-13
    29 Jan 17
  2. Meeting: Springwood morning
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    As we commence this series on Jesus in Luke, starting with Luke 4:1-13, we realise that Luke portrays Jesus on a heaven-and-earth, world stage, re-enacting and rescripting all of history and inviting his disciples into a new humanity, a new Israel and a new creation. This passage in which Jesus is led into the wilderness is crucial for our understanding of the rest of the book of Luke.
  3. Luke 4:14-30
    5 Feb 17
  4. Meeting: Springwood morning
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    Good news to the poor! Recovery of site for the blind! Release for the prisoners! In Luke 4:14-30, Jesus sets forward his manifesto for ministry. The Messiah's agenda is wonderful. But the people listening on that day don't hear it as wonderful. Instead, they want Jesus dead. This passage challenges us to a radical embrace of extravagant grace.
  5. Luke 4:31-44
    12 Feb 17
  6. Meeting: Springwood Alive@5
    Speaker: Kirk Patston
    Luke 4:31-44 recounts the ministry of Jesus, the servant of the LORD anticipated throughout the Scriptures and especially by Isaiah. What does it mean to be God's servant? And what about the miracles Jesus performs? What should we expect in our times and places as we walk in the way of Jesus?
  7. Luke 5:1-11
    19 Feb 17
  8. Meeting: Springwood morning
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    Luke 5:1-11 records a lovely event in the life of Jesus. There are no opponents in this scene - no devil, no demons, no grumblers or ridiculers. This miraculous catch of fish points beyond itself to the world renewing mission of Jesus to catch people into life!
  9. Luke 5:1-11
    19 Feb 17
  10. Meeting: Alive@5
    Speaker: Stephen Reed
    Luke 5:1-11 presents us with a Jesus who is aware of people; fisherman who are astonished at the miraculous catch of fish; and the invitation to accompany Jesus in catching people for life as the kingdom of God breaks into our times and places.
  11. Luke 5:12-26
    26 Feb 17
  12. Meeting: Springwood morning
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    The teachings and works of Jesus are increasingly under scrutiny, not only from adoring crowds, but in Luke 5:12-26, from opponents and critics. Are we willing to walk in the way of Jesus under the persistent gaze of God and others? Are we willing to live a life of integrity and transparency? This passage from Luke will help us.
  13. Luke 5:27-39
    5 Mar 17
  14. Meeting: Springwood Alive@5
    Speaker: Kirk Patston
    Why does Jesus always eat and drink with the wrong people? Luke 5:27-39 presents a controversial Jesus who challenges norms and pushes boundaries, and who, finally gives us profound wisdom for life and its challenges.
  15. Luke 6: 1-11
    26 Mar 17
  16. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    There is deep emotion and distress in the events of Luke 6:1-11 - both from Jesus and his opponents. What is lawful on the Sabbath? What does Jesus mean when he asserts that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath? This passage from Luke has great significance for the way we will live in the 21st century.
  17. Luke 6: 12-26
    2 Apr 17
  18. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    In Luke 6:12-26, Jesus chooses twelve from his larger group of disciples to be apostles. This group will take a lead in bringing the good news of God's rule to Israel and the nations of the world. This portion of Luke is central to our understanding of discipleship and mission in our places and times as we seek to be faithful to Jesus.
  19. Luke 6: 27-49
    9 Apr 17
  20. Meeting: Winmalee
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    The words of Jesus in Luke 6:27-49 describe the way of discipleship which Jesus modelled and taught. We focus on seven characteristics of the life of a disciple of Jesus as we explore this portion of Scripture.
  21. Luke 7: 1-17
    16 Apr 17
  22. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    Two events - the healing of the slave of a Roman military man and the resurrection of the son of a Jewish widow - are set side by side in Luke 7:1-17. Luke has some very special things to teach us about the remarkable ministry of Jesus in this passage.
  23. Luke 7: 18-35
    23 Apr 17
  24. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    John the Baptist languishes in prison while Jesus heals the sick, raises the dead and preaches good news to the poor. No wonder John had questions! Perhaps we continue to have doubts and questions like John did. This is an important passage for our discipleship.
  25. Luke 7: 36-50
    30 Apr 17
  26. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    Luke 7:36-50 recounts a scandalous and wonderful event in the life of Jesus. At a banqueting table, Jesus again turns everything upside down! We are all invited into this new world that Jesus brings into being through his transforming mercy and grace.
  27. Luke 8:1-21
    4 Feb 18
  28. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Kirk Patston
  29. Luke 8: 22-39
    11 Feb 18
  30. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    God's kingdom is a place of restoration. In Luke 8:22-39, Jesus restores calmness to chaos on the lake and then in an afflicted man's life.
  31. Luke 8: 40-56
    18 Feb 18
  32. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Kirk Patston
    A bleeding woman and a dying girl create some memorable moments for Jesus and his followers. Explore Luke 8:40–56 to see Jesus' power to restore the body, hope and the presence of God in the world.
  33. Luke 9:1-17
    25 Feb 18
  34. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    The feeding of the 5,000 is the one miracle of Jesus to be found in all four accounts of Jesus' life and ministry. Why is it so significant? In this sermon we consider the meaning of discipleship in light of this memorable miracle of Jesus.
  35. Luke 9: 37-62
    11 Mar 18
  36. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: John McClean
  37. Luke 9: 37-62
    11 Mar 18
  38. Meeting: Alive@5
    Speaker: Naomi Reed
  39. Luke 20: 21-42
    18 Apr 18
  40. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    Jesus turns everything upside down. It's a whole new world! And in this portion of Scripture, Jesus tells an outrageous story in which the hero is a Samaritan who displays the same sort of compassion shown by Jesus himself.
  41. Luke 11: 1-28
    22 Apr 18
  42. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Kirk Patston
    The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Jesus' answer contains profound content and addresses our motivation in a most engaging way. If you're feeling tired or wanting to be tenacious as a disciple, Luke 11 can inspire you to pray. It will also remind you of a Jesus who lifts up those who are bowed down in a way that can make us long for God's kingdom.
  43. Luke 11: 29-54
    29 Apr 18
  44. Meeting: Alive@5
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    In Luke 11:29-54 Jesus teaches about the lamp that shines brightly.This parable is at the heart of his concern that people see and hear him clearly as he ushers in the kingdom of God. Jesus speaks of woe for those who don't.
  45. Luke 14
    10 Jun 18
  46. Meeting: Alive@5
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    The kingdom of God is like a banquet! But who is invited and who belongs at the banquet? Luke 14 has some surprising answers.
  47. Luke 12:1-12
    10 Feb 19
  48. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    The teachings of Jesus in Luke 12:1-12 are meant to jolt us. This is a decisive moment as Jesus is on the road to Jerusalem, to crucifixion, resurrection and then ascension. His challenges to the crowds and disciples on that journey are also for us today.
  49. Luke 12: 13-34
    17 Feb 19
  50. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: John McClean
  51. Luke 12: 35-59
    24 Feb 19
  52. Meeting: Alive@5
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
    What does Jesus mean by "the coming of the Son of Man"? What is the virtue of "watchfulness"? This passage from Luke addresses such questions and many more as Jesus continues on the road to Jerusalem.
  53. Luke 13: 18-35
    10 Mar 19
  54. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: Rod Thompson
  55. Luke 13: 1-17
    12 Mar 19
  56. Meeting: Springwood AM
    Speaker: John McClean