This is where you will find videos associated with people from the Springwood Presbyterian Churches; videos that embrace the person of Jesus and a Christian perspective on life.

How is church like a jigsaw?

A jigsaw project that Alive@5 embarked on during the COVID19 lockdown. Each of 50 families decorated a jigsaw piece and reflected on how church can be like a jigsaw.

My Seventh Monsoon

Naomi Reed speaks about what inspired her book My Seventh Monsoon: A Himalayan Journey of Faith and Mission. Naomi reflects on the way God works His purposes in our lives through seasons.

Our Place Christian Communities

Naomi Reed speaks about what inspired her book My Seventh Monsoon: A Himalayan Journey of Faith and Mission. Naomi reflects on the way God works His purposes in our lives through seasons.

The Zookeeper

Naomi Reed speaks about her recent book, The Zookeeper: A Tale of Unimaginable Love. The book isĀ  written by Naomi and illustrated by Stephen Reed.

The Frog and the Fish

This is the promo video for Chris Parker’s book The Frog and the Fish: Reflections on Work, Technology, Sex, Stuff, Truth, and Happiness.

The Song

Watch as Naomi Reed performs her poem The Song. With Steve Clarke composing the music and Chris Parker doing the video, this is a real Alive @ Springwood production.