The love of God. The heart of Springwood.

We gather together on Sunday mornings at the iconic sandstone church building in the middle of Macquarie Road, Springwood. Here we listen to God’s word and we pray, nestled among cafes, hair salons, the art supplies shop, the butcher, and the retail and arts community that make Springwood such a vibrant and delightful location.

We are a welcoming community who seek to walk in the way of Jesus. We believe that because of Jesus, there is real hope – in the everyday, in times of tragedy, for the challenges we all face both in Springwood and throughout the nations of the world.

We value the Bible as God’s word of hope to a troubled world. We seek to hear God’s voice and tell God’s story. We worship and we work. We laugh and we lament. We partner with God’s persecuted people in other lands. We participate in the mission of God. The church gathers and then scatters, and so we are always churched, interdependent, sharing life, belonging to God and to one another.

Sundays 11:00AM

160 Macquarie Rd
Springwood NSW 2777

Springwood Presbyterian Church