Luke Pereira

Luke Pereira


Luke and his wife Emma have lived in the mountains for their whole married life of 20+ years and have the privilege of raising three school-aged boys. Emma works as an occupational therapist, visiting people around the upper and lower mountains. Before becoming a minister in the Presbyterian church, Luke was a school teacher/leader and completed a Masters in Education. In 2021, he completed a Master of Divinity through SMBC and Christ College. Luke and Emma are passionate about seeing people discipled to walk the way of Jesus in all of life. One of Luke’s favourite quotes is from Abraham Kuyper, “There is not one square inch in the whole domain of human existence over which Christ, who is Lord over all, does not exclaim, ‘Mine’!” Luke and Emma enjoy spending time together with their family, drinking coffee, reading good novels, playing board games and getting out to the golf course.

Richard and Judy Shumack

Richard and Judy Shumack

Assistant Ministers - Alive@9

Richard and Judy met at university after Judy grew up in Kenya and Richard in Canberra. They have four adult children and just became grandparents. After theological training they started in youth ministry in Springwood (in the 90s), before serving in refugee ministry in Muslim communities. Professionally, Judy teaches English to migrants and international students and Richard lectures on philosophy of religion, other religions and ethics in theological colleges around Australia and internationally. They love living and walking in the bush, and caring for the brilliant, joyful, honest Christian community at Springwood Presbyterian churches.

Meeka Grierson

Meeka Grierson

Church Administrator - Alive@9

Meeka attends our Alive @9 church service. She leads at SWYP on Friday afternoons and works 2 days a week in the Church office. When she’s not working, Meeka loves reading, being out in the bush and dreams about travelling Australia in an 80 series LandCruiser. Meeka has a deep love for Christ and is excited to see what God has planned for her future.




Rob Boase
Paul Creelman
Tim Gilchrist
John McClean
Luke Pereira


Wendy Boase
Ian Fryer
Sharon Fryer
Gillian Gilchrist
Melissa Hill
Liz McClean



Richard Shumack
Chris Sanders


Nicci Sanders
Katie Martyn
Iain Martyn
Jeff Baines
Carrie Baines
Judy Shumack



Noel McCarthy
John Spinney
Rod Thompson


Rhyce Nielsen
Trish Collinson
Barbara Jarvis
Elisabeth Secombe



George Glanville
Warren Laylim
Paul Karlik


Ann Adams-Karlik
Ramona Kennedy
Ray Kennedy
Nathan Young
Belinda Young
Caroline Bolden

Committee of Management

David Higgins – Winmalee
Jeff Baines – Springwood
Rob Brasington – Springwood
Keith Holdsworth – Winmalee
Martin Haley – Springwood
Roza Sage – Springwood
Hugh Wilson – Springwood
Elizabeth Begg – Springwood
Graham Begg – Springwood